Thursday, September 21, 2017

Iran: Woman Asylum Seeker Lashed 80 Times After Being Deported From Norway

Leila Bayat after being flogged 80 times.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is to be blamed for the inhumane sentence of 80 lashes Leila received, but the Norwegian authorities have their share of responsibility in this case and must be held accountable for it.

IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS (20 SEPTEMBER 2017): The Iranian asylum seeker Leila Bayat, who was deported from Norway on 8 March 2017, has received 80 lashes in Tehran.

During the investigation of her asylum case, the Norwegian authorities didn’t validate the documents regarding Leila Bayat’s flogging sentence and denied her asylum.

Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the director and spokesperson of Iran Human Rights (IHR) said, “It is a shame that the authorities of a country like Norway, which has a reputation of respecting human rights and in particular women’s rights, didn’t provide a woman who had escaped flogging sentence with asylum and deported her back to Iran. In this case, Norwegian authorities didn’t fulfill their legal and human duty, and in the best case scenario, deported her to Iran despite having serious doubts about her flogging sentence. There were lots of evidence showing Leila’s flogging sentence was authentic but the Norwegian authorities ignored them. The Islamic Republic of Iran is to be blamed for the inhumane sentence of 80 lashes Leila received, but the Norwegian authorities have their share of responsibility in this case and must be held accountable for it.”

According to a close source, Leila Bayat received 80 lashes at branch 3 of the Section for Implementation of Sentence of Tehran’s Prosecution Office at 1 pm on Tuesday September 19.

Leila Bayat and three of her friends were arrested in 2007 and sentenced branch 3 of the 21th district Prosecution Office of Tehran to 80 lashes for drinking alcoholic beverages. 

They were released on bail of 7 million Tomans (about 1800 USD) and tried to change the sentence for two and a half years. 

Being disappointed, Leila together with her 5-year-old son sought asylum in Norway where they were denied asylum several times by the authorities of The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

Medieval: Public flogging in IranLeila Bayat was finally deported to Iran on March 11, 2017 and tried to have her sentence suspended which was unsuccessful.

“I told them (Norwegian authorities) the exact details of my case, but it was refused seven times. They claimed that the verdict, the warrant, my lawyer’s testimony, and everything I presented to them were fake and my case was a lie. They said that their expert at Norway’s Embassy in Iran had examined the documents and said that such a sentence would never be carried out in Iran. And in the end, they separated me from my 13-year-old son and deported me back to Iran,” said Leila to IHR.

She added, “Before returning to Iran, I was so angry about why I had to escape from my own country. But now, I’m angrier at Norway. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, we were sentenced to flogging because we didn’t obey the law, but I sought asylum in Norway and I thought that I would be safe there, which was far from true.”

Source: Iran Human Rights, September 20, 2017

Listhaug: - Jeg skjønner at dette vekker reaksjoner

En iransk kvinne ble returnert til Iran etter avslag på asylsøknad i Norge. Denne uken ble hun angivelig straffet med 80 piskeslag.

Den iranske kvinnen Laila Bayat (36) ble dømt til 80 piskeslag for å ha drukket alkohol på en privatfest med venner i Iran i 2007. Etter å ha blitt løslatt mot kausjon, flyktet Bayat til Norge sammen med sønnen i 2009, og søkte asyl for å slippe avstraffelse i hjemlandet.

Bayat fikk imidlertid avslag på asylsøknaden i Norge og ble returnert tilbake til Iran 8. mars i år. Dommen skal ha blitt effektuert med 80 piskeslag i Teheran tirsdag denne uken, ifølge Iran Human Rights, som var de første til å omtale saken.

Utlendingsnemnda (UNE) bekrefter overfor Nettavisen at de anså dommen som falsk.

Innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) sier til Nettavisen at det er nødvendig å komme til bunns i saken.

- Jeg forstår at denne saken vekker reaksjoner hos folk, det gjør den også hos meg. Jeg skjønner også at folk flest ønsker å vite hva som har skjedd. UNE har informert departementet om at de nå undersøker hva som har skjedd og hvorfor det har skjedd. Det er helt nødvendig å komme til bunns i dette. Jeg vil understreke at jeg som politiker ikke har noen befatning med avgjørelsene i enkeltsaker, uttaler Listhaug i en skriftlig kommentar til Nettavisen.

➤ Related content: Asylsøker sendt fra Norge til Iran: - Ble pisket 80 ganger

Source: Nettavisen, September 21, 2017

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