Thursday, September 21, 2017

Iran: Man Hanged in Prison, Inmates Forced to Watch

Public execution in Iran (file photo)
Iran Human Rights (SEPT 21 2017): On Monday September 18, at least one prisoner was reportedly hanged on sodomy charges at Ardabil Central Prison.

According to close sources, prison authorities forced approximately 50 prison mates to watch the execution being carried out.

Close sources have identified the prisoner as Shahin Parsajoo, 42 years of age.

Shahin Parsajoo and another prisoner by the name of Tofigh Yousefi were reportedly transferred to solitary confinement on Sunday September 17 in preparation for their executions.

Close sources say Tofigh Yousefi, who is on death row on drug related charges, was not executed and is currently held in solitary confinement.

"Shahin was arrested in 2012 on theft charges, but he was sentenced to death for committing a sodomy offense in prison," an informed source tells Iran Human Rights.

Iranian official sources, including the Judiciary and the media, have not announced Shahin Parsajoo's execution.

Source: Iran Human Rights, September 21, 2017

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