Thursday, September 21, 2017

Iran: Increased Public Executions on the Eve of Moslem Holy Month to Intimidate People

Medieval and barbaric: Public hanging in Iran
Trying to prevent the public protests by intensifying the atmosphere of terror and intimidation in the society on the eve of the Islamic holy month of Muharram, Iranian regime has increased the public executions in various streets and prisons of the country.

Just between September 12 and 20, five prisoners, including a 27-year-old youth in Islamabad, another prisoner in Anbarabad city in Kerman province, (September 12), a prisoner in Modarres Blvd in Ilam (September 17), a prisoner at the the Salmas municipality square (September 14), as well as another prisoner in Pars Abad, Moghan, in Ardebil province, were hanged in front of the public eyes.

Meanwhile, six prisoners were hanged in the prisons of Ardebil, Boroujerd, Khorramabad, Mashad and Zanjan on September 18 and 18. A female prisoner was among the executed on September 18. 

On September 19, a 23-year-old man was executed while he was sentenced to three years in prison for robbery, but was sentenced to death in a new pumped up charge.

The henchmen hanged him along with another prisoner, while their hands and feet were in the chain. 

On the order of the criminal prosecutor of Ardabil, about 50 prisoners had to watch the execution scene of their cellmates.

In another event, 13 prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement cells of Gohardasht Prison since Saturday September 18, for execution.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the international human rights organizations to urgently and effectively stop the executions of those prisoners on the verge of death, and insists that the greatest thieves and the greatest killers and criminals of Iranian history are Khamenei and the ruling fascist gangs, who, without any accountability, continue their plunder and crimes for the past 38 years. 

Therefore, Khamenei and other leaders of the mullahs’ regime must be brought to justice for serious and systematic violations of human rights and collective and arbitrary executions, and this is why their case should be referred to the International Criminal Court by the UN Security Council.

Source: Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Sept. 20, 2017

Iranian Resistance Call to Save 25 Young Prisoners on Death Row

Some of the convicts were less than 18 years old when committing the alleged crime

The Iranian Resistance calls on international authorities, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, and all the defenders of the rights of children and youths to take immediate action to save 25 death row inmates in Ardebil's central prison youth section.

According to received reports, from 170 prisoners detained in this prison, 25 are sentenced to death. 

The rulings for some of them have been verified by the mullahs' Supreme Court. Some of them were under the age of 18 at the time the crime was committed.

Meanwhile, on Monday morning, September 18, Shahin Parsajou, 23, and a 40-year-old man were executed in Ardebil Prison.

Shahin Parsajou was sentenced to 3 years in jail for being charged with robbery, but following a clash in prison, the regime formed a new case and sentenced him to death. 

The prisoner was hanged while his hands and feet were in chain. 

At the request of Ardebil's criminal prosecutor, the henchmen of Ardabil Central Prison, in order to exacerbate the atmosphere of intimidation, forced 50 prisoners to go to the execution area in order to watch the execution of these victims.

Source: Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, September 20, 2017

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"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted." -- Oscar Wilde
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