Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"The regime that hangs gays in Iran will one day fall" - Israeli Prime Minister from the UN rostrum

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly expressed confidence that the regime that seized power in Iran as a result of the Islamic revolution and hangs gays will one day fall.

"I also have a message to the Iranian people: you are not our enemies, you are our friends," said Binyamin Netanyahu, 67, quoted by the media.

"One day, my Iranian friends, you will be freed from the regime of evil that terrorizes you, that hangs gays, throws journalists behind bars, tortures political prisoners and shoots innocent women."

Netanyahu expressed confidence that "the friendship between the two ancient peoples will surely blossom again."

At the same time, he promised that his country would "protect itself with the full force of its weapons," and called on the international community to "fix or destroy" the Iranian nuclear deal.

Binyamin Netanyahu is known for supporting the rights of the LGBT community of Israel.

In Iran, gay men face the death penalty and other cruel punishments.

In the spring of 2017, 30 gay men detained by Iran's voluntary police after raiding a private party were subjected to violence and torture.

In the summer of 2016, another gay man sentenced to death over an alleged rape was executed in Iran.

Source: GAY.RU, Sept. 20, 2017

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